The Dental Supplies Expert


Seal-Temp S - Resin based Temporary Cement



Price: $74.50

You save: $10.50 (12%)


Seal-Temp S is a resin-based temporary cement indicated for use with temporary crowns, bridges, inlays or veneers, and as a semi-permanent cement for implant crowns. The cement is a light, translucent color, and the setting time is one minute. 

  • Periodontic healing - The gum completely heals before the next appointment. A perfect impression can be taken without any haemostatic problem.
  • They permanently stick to the intrados of the temporary crowns:
  • The prepared teeth always remain clean.
  • Simply apply a fresh layer of cement into the crowns before putting them back onto the teeth, without taking off the old layer of cement.


Seal-Temp S is a medium-strength cement, indicated for use with routine preparations. Seal-Temp is a higher-strength version, indicated for use on teeth with minimal retention. Two, 5 ml automix syringes of Seal-Temp S and 20 mixing tips are provided in the kit. 

Seal-Temp S has the Dental Advisor ++++1/2 rating which evaluated by 27 consultants in 472 uses. This temporary cement received a 91% clinical rating.


"SEALTEMP and SEALTEMP S: innovative new provisional cements based on resins, which when set, doesn't compromise gingival healing, allowing for easier impression taking. The resin "bonds" very well to the intaglio surface of the provisional crown material, and comes off the prepped tooth cleanly. The SEALTEMP is a stronger provisional cement which is fantastic when the prep isn't very retentive (either short crown preps, or minimally invasive onlay preps), while the SEALTEMP S is a softer provisional resin cement which is appropriate when the crown preps have alot of retention. An excellent alternative to the traditional temporary cements"
